Services offered
The following are our services for NGO sectors. The services are excellent and reliable, cost-effective and affordable.
Legal Work
To provide consultancy to form a Trust, Society or Private Limited Company as per the rules & regulations of Society Registration Act of Govt. of India.
To apply PAN Card
To apply 12 A
To apply 80G
To apply 35 AC
To apply 35 AC (1&2)
To apply 35 A C (1&3)
To apply FCRA
To apply 35 CCB
Key information’s
About Trust - Trust is defined in section 3 of the Trust Act, 1882 as " an obligation annexed to the ownership of property and arising out of a confidence reposed in and accepted by the owner, or declared and accepted by him, for the benefit of another or of another and the owner. In simple words it is a transfer of property by the owner to another for the benefit of a third person along with or is a transfer of property by the owner to another for the benefit of a third person along with or without himself or a declaration by the owner, to hold the property not for
In India, the second most popular form of registration is as a Trust. However, the statutory provisions, procedures and the laws relating to trusts are confusing. Under Indian Laws, various kinds of public and private trusts can be formed. Here, we have dealt with the laws and procedures related to Public Charitable Trusts. Himself and another.
The Indian Trust Act, 1882 is not applicable to Public Charitable Trust. There is no specific act under which a Public Trust is to be registered, except in the State of Gujarat and Maharastra. Public Trusts are formed under general law, with guidance drawn from the Indian Trust Act, 1882. The other relevant acts are Religious Endowment Act, 1863, Charitable & Religious Trust Act, 1920 and The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950.
The following are the basic ingredients of a valid trust :
- There must be an author or settler of the trust. The author or the settler refers to the person who sets aside certain property for the benefit of the beneficiaries
- There must be a trustee. The trustees are the persons who manage this property for the benefit of the beneficiaries as per the Trust Deed. The author himself may or may not become a trustee.
- There must be a beneficiary or beneficiaries.
A society is essentially an association of persons (seven or more) united together to achieve some common purpose. Such objects are normally charitable, scientific, literary etc. Theoretically, a society need not be registered but registration gives the society legal recognition and is essential for opening of bank accounts, filing of legal suits, obtaining Income Tax approvals, lawful vesting of properties etc.
A society is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. In addition various states have framed their respective acts and rules for ensuring propriety in functioning of societies, including provisions for compulsory division, amalgamation or dissolution. The registration is done under the auspices of the various state governments in whose territories the 20 organization is located. An organization can be registered in any district of India with the Assistant Registrar of Societies within that district.
A society is a distinct legal entity entirely independent of the members constituting it. Thus, it can sue or be sued independent of its members. No member either independently or jointly can claim ownership rights in the assets of a society during its existence. On its dissolution, the surplus assets are given to some other society with similar objects. The membership rights are non transferable and it has perpetual succession not affected by the changes in its membership or employees. Along with having the flexibility to undertake a wide range of activities, a society also has a more democratic set up with membership and an elected body to mange it. The original members can continue to remain in control as long as they are elected to the managing committee. The society can exist beyond its original members and there is a possibility of a complete renewal of members and objects can be modified easily.
Permanent account number
If his total income or the total income of any other person in respect of which he is assessable under this Act during any previous year exceeded the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax; or
Carrying on any business or profession whose total sales, turnover or gross receipts are or is likely to exceed five lakh rupees in any previous year; or
Who is required to furnish a return of income under sub-section (4A) of section 139
Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued in the form of a laminated card, by the Income Tax Department, India.
It is mandatory to quote PAN on return of income, all correspondence with any income tax authority. From 1 January 2005 it will be mandatory to quote PAN on challans for any payments due to Income Tax Department.
It is also compulsory to quote PAN in all documents pertaining to financial transactions notified from time-to-time by the Central Board of Direct Taxes. Some such transactions are sale and purchase of immovable property or motor vehicle or payments in cash, of amounts exceeding Rs. 25,000/-to hotels and restaurants or in connection with travel to any foreign country. It is also mandatory to mention PAN for obtaining a telephone or cellular telephone connection. Likewise, PAN has to be mentioned for making a time deposit exceeding Rs. 50,000/- with a Bank or Post Office or depositing cash of Rs. 50,000/- or more in a Bank.
Section 12A
The provisions of Section 11 & 12 shall not apply in relation to the income of any trust or institution unless the following conditions are fulfilled, namely:-
the person in receipt of the income has made an application for registration of the trust or institution in the prescribed form and in the prescribed manner to the Commissioner before the 1st day of July, 1973, or before the expiry of a period of one year from the date of the creation of the trust or the establishment of the institution, whichever is later and such trust or institution is registered under section 12AA:
Provided that where an application for registration of the trust or institution is made after the expiry of the period aforesaid, the provisions of section 11 and section 12 shall apply in relation to the income of such trust or institution, -
- from the date of the creation of the trust or the establishment of the institution if the Commissioner is, for reasons to be recorded in writing, satisfied that the person in receipt of the income was prevented from making the application before the expiry of the period aforesaid for sufficient reasons;
- from the 1st day of the financial year in which the application is made, if the Commissioner is not so satisfied ;
where the total income of the trust or institution as computed under this Act without giving effect to the provisions of section 11 and section 12 exceeds fifty thousand rupees in any previous year, the accounts of the trust or institution for that year have been audited by an accountant as defined in the Explanation below sub-section (2) of section 288 and the person in receipt of the income furnishes along with the return of income for the relevant assessment year the report of such audit in the prescribed form duly signed and verified by such accountant and setting forth such particulars as may be prescribed.
80 G Exemption of Income Tax
A donor (whether an individual, association, company, etc.) is entitled to a deduction (in computing his total income) if he makes a donation to a nonprofit organization enjoying exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. The amount donated, however, should not exceed 10% of the donor’s gross total income as reduced by the deductions (other than the deduction under section 80G) for the purpose of rebate. If the donation is in excess of 10% of the donor’s gross total income, the amount in excess of 10% cannot be considered for deduction under this section.
Donations in kind (such as computers, medical equipment, vehicles, etc.) are not eligible for deduction under section 80G. The donation must be a certain sum of money.
FCRA – Foreign Country Regulatory Act
Under FCRA, an organization registered in India, having a definite cultural, economic, educational, religious or social programme is entitled to apply for registration. An organization can apply for FCRA registration even when it has foreigners as its member/board members. The only issue relevant in this regard is that FCRA authorities may exercise greater vigil and caution in processing such application. But as a matter of internal practice FCRA is not granting registration to organization with foreigners on board. Such registrations are given only in exceptional circumstances, very few instances are available.
35 AC exemption
35AC is Income Tax number for a Particular exclusive Project, Those who are all going to sponsor for the Project, they will get 100% Tax exception. So normally this 35AC is very Demand full among the Ngo’s.
On behalf of your Organization, HelpNgo will prepare the Project Proposal not exceeding a Net Budget of 15,00,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Crores) for 35AC and submit to the Government of India and get the acknowledgement. To prepare the Project Proposal we have to spend lot of time and involve more. We have to complete the Project Proposal within the stipulated deadline of the Application. So we need 100% co-operation to prepare the Project Proposal.
35 AC Exemptions (1&2)
100% One hundred per cent deduction is allowed to donors for contribution(s) made to organizations approved under section 35(1)(ii)
(such as scientific research institutes or a university, college, or other institution) specifically for “scientific research” and under section 35(1)(iii) specifically for “research in social science or statistical research.”
35 AC Exemptions (1&3)
Donors giving under this section can claim up to 125% deductions; donations can be 100% of the taxable income, but donations must be made to projects approved under section 35(1)(iii). Only organizations undertaking research in social sciences or statistical research can be approved. NPO (Non-Profitable Organization) should apply in form 3CF and send it to the Central Board of Direct Taxes through CIT. The approval is not given for more than 3 years at a time. It can be renewed. The NGO needs to maintain separate accounts for the money so received. This does not mean separate cash or bank account but only a separate ledger. An Annual Return also needs to be filed. This deduction will be withdrawn in 2006.
35 AC Exemptions (CCB)
Where donation is made to an association or institution, which has as its object the undertaking of any programme of conservation of natural resources or a forestation, to be used for carrying out any programme of conservation of natural resources or a forestation approved by the prescribed authority; or to such fund for a forestation as may be notified by the Central Government, then the donor shall be allowed a deduction of the amount of such 40 expenditure incurred. The prescribed authority (Secretary, Department of Environment, Govt. of India, New Delhi) shall not grant such approval for more than three years at a time. Under the Indian Income Tax law, it is mandatory for organizations to retain accounting records for 8 years from the end of the assessment year.
Technical Work
To design & host interactive website
To write the contents of the website
To design the broacher, newsletter, annual report and other communication materials
To prepare & manage online/offline donor management system
Data Base management & to work as outsource mailing agency
Online Payment Gateways
Importance of having Website
Nowadays website becomes an essential part of every profession. Website makes strong impact on the image of your company. It is very important when you are more concern about exploring your business world wide.
If you are a NGO or Business House or a professional or free lancer you need to have your own website for many reasons.
- There are approximately 970 millions Internet users, 15% of the world's population. Thus it is a most efficient way to get potential customers from all over the world through internet marketing.
- Websites have no boundaries as far as place or region or country is concern. It is international. If you have a website, then you have something international that overcomes the limits between countries and continents.
- Through website designing you will get identity, global presence and good business channel once you make entry in the www (World Wide Web) and promote the website through web marketing.
- Any Service or Business without website means you are running business without having your visiting card; you can say your website as your visiting card [business card]. By effective profile of your company, products/services you can build corporate image of the company in your business website.
- Having a website means your business is open and reachable round the clock and throughout the year. Your web site is your online shop and it is open for 24/7. Website transmits your message in a few seconds.
- In website, content can be changed very easily. You can get good ranking in search pages by writing SEO friendly copy writing in your website.
- The work involved in projecting your website can also be used for presentation purposes, without the presence of the internet.
- There are various types of website designing such as Static Web site Design, Flash Web Site Design, Dynamic Website Design, Hybrid Websites Design, SEO Website. The type of website depends on the type of your business/sevice.
- Static websites are generally text base. Static websites are more search engine friendly websites.
- Flash web sites are for entertainment, game, animation or visual effects. Flash sites are very useful to represent your product or service in innovative way. Flash site gives unique and novel look to your web site.
- Dynamic websites can be used for various applications, whereby from login pages, company employees can login to update and report data directly in and from the project’s database. You can opt to go for a dynamic website which will automatically change your content based on changes to your business, like stock items, stock status, prices, important messages, news, articles, services and more.
- Hybrid website is mixer of static and flash sites. Hybrid site is useful when you wish to make search engine friendly website with text, visual and flash animation.
- Search engine optimization is the next step after having web designing and web development. This is normally done through a search engine optimization process directly in your web site.
- To get maximum benefit of website you need to design web site by professional Web Design Company and have web optimization by professional SEO Company.
Importance of Newsletter & Broachers
Newsletters & Broachers are sent for various reasons like to abreast customers of the latest happenings inside the Society in terms of various services provided, new initiatives and regulations, upcoming events, news about the achievements of the society and its employees and other stuffs that might be deem interesting and helpful to the Donors or individuals.
Most companies hire the expertise of reputable newsletter printing companies to help them in creating noteworthy newsletters. Newsletter printing companies in a way relieves busy owners of the task of creating eloquently worded newsletters. Nevertheless, there are electronic newsletters that are also being employed nowadays and can be used by some owners. But in spite of this most companies still prefer to have their newsletters created in the old fashioned way-PRINTED.
Printed newsletters / broachers especially those that have undergone full color printing still create that aesthetic appeal that helps customers in associating with the business. Nevertheless, there are also some business owners that create their own newsletters and assign the task to their human resource department. Although this may save some money but in terms of the quality of the output one can clearly see the newsletters that have undergone professional newsletter writing from those that are just merely created by business staffs that have no proper training when it comes to newsletter creation.
Poorly created newsletters or broacher would not be good especially in building the company's image because this will show un -professionalism in the way the business conduct itself. And aside from that poorly created newsletters would just be shunned away by donors or individuals and would just be tacked away in some corner and then forgotten. And so to prevent such from happening always makes sure that you hire the expertise of a reputable newsletter printing company, bear in mind that potential customers may be turn-off if ever they received generic newsletters with caption “TO OUR VALUED DONORS” and then the newsletters just didn't show that value. A business must be able to show value and quality all throughout its business endeavors.
Donor Management System (DMS)
To sustain in the longer run regular donor base is most important in any non profit organization. Without donors, non profits simply could not succeed. Understanding information about your donors is critical to your organization’s success. DMS is a more efficient system for storing, organizing and viewing this information. This will help you to achieve your mission.
A donor management system helps you manage relationships with donors and prospective donors by keeping records of correspondence, archiving your relationship’s history, tracking donation received and producing reports.
For most organizations, selecting DMS requires balancing fundraising needs with the cost of the system – not only for the initial set up and for covering your old data in to information the new system can read, but also for training, support and upgrades.
We have number of different fund raising software. But we offer after considering your organization’s needs.
On Line Payment Gateways
An online Payment System allows you to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Not only is this is an important convenience for your donors and individuals; it also means more revenue for you. An online system also helps you to reduce your overhead costs. With the right payment processing tools, these functions are all done automatically for you. And lastly, an online system helps you to reach new markets-across the country.
The most important part of online is accepting donations from your donors ranging from a single transaction to a series of transactions from a donor. Online payment processing offers a donor the convenience of submitting their credit card or other forms of payment on your Web site, and for you to actually receive the money from this transaction.

Fund Raising & Event Management
To organize funds for your organization
Projects proposal writing
Institutional & Government funding
Different Fund Raising Plans
Direct Mailing Applications
Donation Boxes
Schools awareness cum sponsorship programme
Corporate Fund Raising
Internet fund raising
Foreign funding
Cause related marketing
Awareness Events
Fund Raising events
Social Campaigns, trainings & seminars
Project proposal writing
We provide excellent consultancy in project proposal writing. A project proposal describes some sort of plan for a needed action. A project proposal may be used to obtain a federal grant or to convince a board of directors to fund a new initiative. Project proposals consist of several sections, perhaps including an executive summary, a description of the problem or goal, a history or background of existing conditions, a research review, and so on.
Institutional & Government Fund Raising
We have a data base of Institutions/bodies both for India & Foreign. These bodies donate huge money for the development work for the underprivileged section of the society. A project proposal mentioning the work area of the NGO, their plan & implementation programme with audit strategy is required for Institutional or government funding.
Direct Mailing Application
Direct mailing application process (DMA) is a very vital aspect of fund raising techniques available for NGO sector. It is a direct marketing activity by which you take your appeal to the people & individualizing your appeal to your target Population.To make donation easy, a donor should be given following facilities
- Business Reply Envelope (BRE)
- Modes of payment i.e Cheque/ DD/ Cash/ Credit Card/ Bank transfer/Swift Code etc.
We have donor data base for across India, work as an outsourcing agency for NGOs for doing direct mailing applications process.
Donation Boxes
We provide consultancy for placing donation boxes at various profitable locations. A Donation Box not only creates visibility of the Ngo but also generate some money.
School Awareness cum sponsorship Programme
School fundraising is one of the wide spectrum of fundraising methods by which the funds are raised from the community through the medium of school students by educating them about the cause.”
Normally an event is organised in the school with the two pronged objective of creating awareness and raising funds.
As a part of our consultancy work, we approach various schools for social causes and solicit their support.
Corporate Fund Raising
We observe that corporate fund raising in NGO sector has increased in comparison to other fund raising techniques. For a NGO, CFR means raising resource from organization (who has an agenda for corporate social responsibility) for a cause of serious concern to the society.
We provide our service so that substantial resources can be raised by tapping profitable corporate and socially responsible organizations.
Fund Raising through internet
This is a fund raising strategy for the new millennium. The successful fundraiser will be the one who artfully moulds fundraising principles, tactics and techniques in to the very heart of this new media. We provide excellent design of mailer, database which attracts individuals to donate for the cause.
Cause Related Marketing
We also approach companies who are willing to contribute part of their sales proceeds to a charity of their choice. The objective of the company will be to gain consumer goodwill and increase sales. Normally large companies like to tie-up with NGOs that are sync with their CSR objectives. NGOs with a high brand value are more likely to be able to have large CRM tie-ups.
Foreign Funding
There are various foreign funding agencies and foreign trusts who support worthy causes such as, Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, DFID, NORAD etc. It is possible to get funding from them provided they are well sensitized and are approach at appropriate level.
We provide adequate research and care to ensure that the proposal is well written and matches the agenda of the donor. A FCRA account is required for seeking foreign donation/support/aid.
Social Campaigns, trainings & seminars
We organizes social campaigns like, walkathon, charity walk, No tobacco rally, anti crackers campaign for generating public awareness on the common issues.
Training and seminars on fund raising, projects, corporate social responsibility are the regular feature of the “Samanvaya the Team”
Event Management
“Samanvaya” the Team has a dedicated team for event management. Event is important as it raise maximum funds at optimum cost. Completed within a certain time frame. Gives scope for wide publicity to the work of the charity and those who aid it.There can be several special events in a year. Events can be small where Rs. 5 lakhs are raised like Ghazal Nites, Film Show, and Christmas Party etc. Mega Events where funds Above Rs. 5 lakhsraised like Musical Nites, Film Star Cricket Festivals, Star Show, Celebrity Dinner,Auctions etc.